編輯推薦: |
每个时代都有自己的故事,每段历史都有自己的内在逻辑。通过《中国巨变:19782018》,你将了解到一个更真实的中国,一个更鲜活的中国,也将感受到一个古老民族自强不息、激流奋进的命运历程。 Every stretch of history has its own internal logic. The reader of this book may be confronted with a more real China than he has known before. Under the surface ripples, diverging streams, uneven tumult, he may discern the middle of the channel, that greater internal logic at work. It represents the flow of a people, quite an ancient nation of people, coursing with all vigor, all courage, all hope, tow
內容簡介: |
过去40年中国经济的崛起,无疑是人类历*令人瞩目的事件之一,也是中华民族奋进*值得记录的一段光辉岁月。在西方人眼里,中国的巨变始终是一个谜。这里有着极其特殊的文化背景与意识形态,有着异常复杂的经济格局与利益冲突,如何引领一个拥有十几亿人口的农业大国迈向现代化,堪称是前无古人,后无来者的巨大命题,其探索之艰辛,震荡之激烈超乎任何人的想象。《中国巨变:19782018》是对过去风云激荡的40年的一次高度浓缩。作者以高度概括而又妙趣横生的笔调为我们描述了一个变化的中国,它既是对历史的一次总结,同时也是对未来的一次追问。 The ascent of Chinas economy over the past forty years may be one of the more remarkable happenings in human history. Few understand it. Those outside China consider the massive changes a mystery. Those inside China have been challenged with taking more than 1.3 billion people from an agrarian existence into the modern world, and in the face of complex economics involving extreme conflicts of interest.Nobody ever did it before; nobody will ever do it again. Given the convulsive upheavals required, the difficulty of the task has been, and remains, hard to imagine.This book describes those upheavals and that process over the years from 1978 to 2018. lt represents a remarkable achievement in condensing a welter of events and changes down to the bare essentials. In summing up a period of history, it also serves as a query about what is to come next.
關於作者: |
吴晓波,知名财经作家,巴九灵新媒体、蓝狮子财经出版创始人,常年从事中国企业史和公司案例研究。著有《大败局I》和《大败局II》、《激荡三十年》、《跌荡一百年》、《浩荡两千年》、《历代经济变革得失》等广具影响力的财经类经典畅销书,著作两次入选《亚洲周刊》年度十大好书。 Wu Xiaobo,Famous financial writer, founder of the Bajiuling New Media and the Blue Lion Financial Publishing Center. Veteran researcher on Chinese enterprise history and company cases.Major works: Great Failures, Great Failures II, Chinas Thirty Tumultuous Years, 100-Year History of Chinese Enterprises, Two Thousand Years of Progress and Economic Reform in Past Dynasties: Gains and Losses, with books twice selected as the Top 10 Best Books by the Asia Week.