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作者:华道安(Donald B. Wagner),丹麦人,世界著名冶金考古学者。毕业于麻省理工学院,现任职于丹麦哥本哈根大学北欧研究所,四川大学特聘教授。20世纪80年代,华道安接受李约瑟邀请,编写《中国科学技术史》钢铁冶金分册,该分册被誉为迄今为止有关中国古代钢铁技术的英文专著中最具权威性的。华道安主要致力于中国早期铁器与冶铁技术以及中国古代数学相关问题的研究,在国际上发表论文60余篇,出版著作15部。 译者:李玉牛(LI YU NIU),加拿大籍华人,2009年毕业于加拿大多伦多大学,2012年获四川大学考古学硕士学位,2018年取得英国埃克塞特大学考古学博士学位。现任职于四川大学,研究方向为冶金考古与科技考古,曾在国际上发表多篇中国西南地区冶金考古相关论文,并在国内的重要刊物上发表相关论文及译作。
序言 001
译者序 004
作者序 008
第一章早期铁器的审视 001
1.1 文献资料 001
1.2 早期铁器的考古发现 004
1.3 雨台山楚墓 006
1.4 铁足铜鼎 009
1.5 铁尾(铤)铜镞 012
1.6 三座秦国墓地 018
1.7 铁带钩 024
1.8 山西侯马东周殉人墓 031
1.9 铁制镣铐 033
1.10 河北易县燕下都M44 039
1.11 有柄武器 046
1.12 剑 059
1.13 河南辉县的战国墓葬 072
1.14 秦始皇时期的作坊遗址 081
1.15 铁制生产工具 085
1.16 河南洛阳附近的东周时期墓地 121
1.17 结论 123
第二章公元前3世纪的冶铁工业 131
2.1 文献记载的早期铁矿 131
2.2 私营铁工场主 135
2.3 铁器作坊 140
2.4 官营冶铁工业 143
2.5 冶铁生产工艺 145
第三章金相学研究(一): 熟铁(锻铁)制品与钢铁制品 151
3.1 金相学与铁碳合金系统 152
3.2 锻造工艺 161
3.3 百炼成钢 179
3.4 熟铁制品与钢铁制品的原料识别 192
第四章金相学研究(二):铸铁制品 219
4.1 引言 227
4.2 铸铁的冶金学与金相学研究 231
4.2.1 熔炼与铸造 233
4.2.2 冲天炉 236
4.2.3 白口铸铁与灰口铸铁 239
4.2.4 白口铸铁 240
4.2.5 灰口铸铁 249
4.3 韧性铸铁 254
4.3.1 退火工艺 255
4.3.2 石墨化退火处理:黑心韧性铸铁 257
4.3.3 孙廷烈开拓性的研究 270
4.3.4 脱碳退火处理:白心韧性铸铁 273
4.3.5 退火后处理(post-anneal treatments) 283
4.3.6 表面石墨化处理 285
4.3.7 球状回火石墨 287
附表 295
参考文献 322
特别感谢 361
作 者 序
欣闻自己Iron and steel in ancient China一书中文版即将出版的消息,我感到十分荣幸。中文版的绝大部分内容我都亲自读过,玉牛的翻译也是相当到位的。应我本人的建议,我们按照中文读者的习惯对全书结构进行了改动,删掉了部分中文读者非常熟悉、仅是有助于英文读者了解中国相关背景的介绍。
Donald B. Wagner 华道安
Introduction to the Chinese translation of Iron and steel in ancient China.
Donald B. Wagner
4 May 2017
I feel very pleased and honoured that my book will be published in Chinese. I have read most of Yuniu Lis translation, and find that he has done an excellent job. At my request he has made this into a Chinese book: Some information in the original book is necessary for Western readers but very familiar to Chinese readers, and here he has made some cuts. At the same time he has added material that Chinese readers expect to see in a book of this type.
The book was published 25 years ago, and newer archaeological work has shown parts of it to be incorrect. Therefore, of the eight chapters of the original, this translation includes only Chapters 47.
The original Chapter 1 gave a brief history of the Bronze Age in China and argued that bronze was independently invented in China. Newer research by Prof. Mei Jianjun and others shows that this is not correct. Chapter 2 argued that iron was independently invented in Southeast China, in the ancient state of Wu , but newer research shows that the earliest iron within the present borders of China has been found in Xinjiang. There it may have been independently invented, or it may have come from the West. Chapter 3 attempted to explain the background for the invention of iron in Wu, and with our new knowledge that is now clearly irrelevant. Chapter 8, Concluding remarks, depended so heavily on the incorrect statements of Chapters 13 that it is somewhat embarrassing for me today.
Chapters 12 on historical matters(Chapters 45 in the original)have not been greatly changed by newer research. Chapters 34(Chapters 67 in the original), perhaps the most important part of the book, were based on the publications of the pioneers of Chinese archaeometallurgy: Hua Jueming, Li Jinghua, Ke Jun, Han Rubin and others. Later work by younger scholars has largely confirmed their conclusions, but little has been done in China to extend their work in new directions. These chapters put that work into the context of a general explanation of the necessary technical metallurgy. They were written especially for readers who know some chemistry and are accustomed to technical thinking, but I hope that others will also be able to profit from them.
I hope that the translation will prove useful to students beginning the study of the amazing history of iron technology in China.
Donald B. Wagner
May 2017