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書城自編碼: 3998252
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→保健/養生健康百科
作者: 王笑频,尹璐,徐荣
國際書號(ISBN): 9787117357425
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
出版日期: 2024-05-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 602



** 我創建的書架 **

第一章 中医药的起源与理论形成/ 3
一、神农与百草 /5
二、伏羲与八卦/ 6
三、《诗经》里的中医药 /7
四、中医理论基石——《黄帝内经》/ 8
五、第一部药学专著——《神农本草经》/ 9
六、中医理论的津梁之作——《难经》/ 10
第二章 秦汉、两晋、南北朝时期
—— 中医药医疗实践与学术整理/ 11
一、神医扁鹊/ 13
二、淳于意与古代医案 /14
三、外科鼻祖华佗与麻沸散 /15
四、医圣张仲景与《伤寒杂病论》/ 16
五、道教医学家——葛洪/ 17
六、皇甫谧与世界最早的针灸专著《针灸甲乙经》/ 18
七、王叔和与《脉经》/ 19
八、山中宰相——名医陶弘景 /20
九、雷敩与《雷公炮炙论》/ 21
Contents Chapter 1 Origin and Theoretical Formationof Traditional Chinese Medicine /77
I Shennong and All Kinds of Plants /79
II Fuxi and Bagua (Eight Trigrams)/ 81
III TCM in The Book of Songs/ 83
IV The Cornerstone of TCM Theory—Huangdis Cannan of Inner Classic/ 85
V The First Pharmacology Monograph—Shennong’s Classic of Materia Medica /87
VI The Guiding Work of TCM Theory—Classic of Questioning /89
Chapter 2 Qin, Han, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties—TCM Clinical Practice and Academic Collation/ 91
I The Magic Doctor Bian Que/ 93
II Chunyu Yi and Ancient Medical Records /95
III The Originator of Surgery Hua Tuoand Powder for Anesthesia/ 97
IV The Medical Saint Zhang Zhongjing andTreatise on Cold Pathogenic andMiscellaneous Diseases/ 99
V A Taoist and Medical Scientist—Ge Hong 101
VI Huangfu Mi and the World’s EarliestAcupuncture Monograph A-B Classicof Acupuncture and Moxibustion /103
VII Wang Shuhe and Pulse Classic 105
VIII The Prime Minister Living in Seclusion andFamous Doctor —Tao Hongjing /107
IX Lei Xiao and Master Lei’s Discourseon Drug Processing /109
第三章 隋唐时期—— 中医药多元发展 /23
一、最早的国家医学院——太医署 /25
二、第一部病因证候专著——《诸病源候论》/ 26
三、药王孙思邈与《千金方》/ 27
四、政府颁布的第一部药典——《新修本草》/ 28
五、藏医学集大成之作——《四部医典》 /29
六、蔺道人与中医骨伤科巨著《仙授理伤续断秘方》 /30
七、王焘与《外台秘要》/ 31
第四章 宋金元时期—— 中医药争鸣与成就/ 33
一、宋代校正医书局的创办 /35
二、《太平圣惠方》的成就与价值/ 36
三、王惟一与针灸铜人/ 37
四、第一部中医儿科专著——《小儿药证直诀》/ 38
六、宋慈与法医学大成《洗冤集录》 /40
七、金元四大家 /41
八、蒙古族营养学家——忽思慧 /42
Chapter 3 Sui and Tang Dynasties—Diversified Development of TCM /111
I The Earliest National Medical School—Imperial Medical Academy /113
II The First Monograph on Etiology and
Syndromes—General Treatise on Causesand Manifestations of All Diseases /115
III The King of Medicine Sun Simiao and RecipesWorth A Thousand Gold Pieces /117
IV The First Pharmacopeia Issued by the Government—Newly Revised Materia Medica/ 119
V A Masterpiece of Tibetan Medicine—Four Medical Tantras/ 121
VI Lin Daoren and the Great Work of TCMOrthopedics and Traumatology Secrets ofTreating Wounds and Bonesetting /123
VII Wang Tao and Arcane Essentials from theImperial Library/ 125
Chapter 4 Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties—Academic Contending andAchievements of TCM /127
I The Establishment of Medical LiteratureCorrection Bureau in Song Dynasty/ 129
II The Achievements and Values of Taiping HolyPrescriptions for Universal Relief /131
III Wang Weiyi and Bronze Acupuncture Figure 133
IV The First Monograph on Pediatrics of TCM—Key to Therapeutics of Children’sDiseases /135
V New Knowledge of Anatomy—Ou Xifan’s Drawing of Five Zang Organsand Vivid Drawings of the Body /137
VI Song Ci and His Great Achievement ofForensic Medicine Record for Vindication /139
VII The Four Famous Medical Schools inJin and Yuan Dynasties /141
VIII Mongolian Nutritionist—Hu Sihui /143
第五章 明清时期—— 中医药的鼎盛与革新/ 43
一、集大成的医方巨著——《普济方》 /45
二、人痘接种预防天花 /46
四、吴又可《温疫论》与传染病理论革新/ 49
五、陈实功与《外科正宗》/ 50
六、眼科专著《银海精微》的出色成就/ 51
七、承前启后的《针灸大成》/ 52
八、温病学说大家——叶天士/ 53
九、吴鞠通与《温病条辨》/ 54
十、最权威的中医学教科书——《医宗金鉴》/ 55
十一、外治宗师——吴尚先/ 56
十二、孟河丁氏与近代中医教育/ 57
十三、第一部综合性中医药词典——《中国医学大词典》/ 58
十四、中西医结合的先行者——张锡纯/ 59
第六章 中医药的新生与辉煌/ 61
一、毛泽东主席关心中医药/ 63
二、用科学的方法研究中医——中医研究院成立 /65
三、中医药工作进入自立发展新时期——国家中医管理局成立 /67
Chapter 5 Ming and Qing Dynasties—Prosperity and Innovation of TCM/ 145
I A Masterpiece of Medical Prescription—Prescriptions for Universal Relief/ 147
II Vaccination against Smallpox /149
III Li Shizhen and The Grand Compendiumof Materia Medica /151
IV Wu Youke’s Treatise on Pestilence and theInnovation of Infectious Disease Theory 153
V Chen Shigong and Orthodox Manualof External Diseases/ 155
VI Outstanding Achievements of OphthalmologyMonograph Essence on the Silvery Sea/ 157
VII The Grand Compendium of Acupunctureand Moxibustion: Serving as A Link betweenPast and Future /159
VIII A Great Master in Warm Disease Theory—Ye Tianshi /161
IX Wu Jvtong and Detailed Analysis of EpidemicWarm Diseases /163
X The Most Authoritative Textbook on TCM—Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition /165
XI The Great Master of External Treatment—Wu Shangxian/ 167
XII Ding’s Family of Menghe Medical Schooland Modern TCM Education/ 169
XIII The First Comprehensive Dictionary of TCM—Grand Dictionary of Chinese Medicine /171
XIV The Pioneer of Integrated Chinese andWestern Medicine—Zhang Xichun/ 173
Chapter 6 Rebirth and Brilliance of TCM/ 175
I Chairman Mao Zedong’s GreatAttention on TCM/ 177
II Using Scientific Methods to Study TCM—the Establishment of the Institute ofTraditional Chinese Medicine /179
III TCM’s Entry into the New Era of Independent
Development—the Founding of the StateAdministration of Traditional Chinese Medicine/ 181
四、中医战SARS 震惊世界/68
五、首位获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的中国人——屠呦呦/ 70
六、中国第一部中医药法颁布/ 71
七、传统医学正式进入《国际疾病分类第十一次修订本(ICD-11)》/ 72
八、传承精华 守正创新——全面推进中医药振兴发展/ 73
IV World-Shaking TCM Battle against SARS/ 183
V The First Chinese Nobel Laureate inPhysiology or Medicine—Tu Youyou /185
VI The Promulgation of China’s First TCM Law /187
VII Traditional Medicine’s Off icial Enrollmentinto the International Classification ofDiseases 11th Revision (ICD-11) /189
VIII Inherit the Essence, Maintain Integrity andInnovate—Comprehensively Promote theRevitalization and Development of TCM/ 191
1. 以故事呈现,通俗易懂、有趣有味。鉴于读者的不同文化背景,以及初学者对专业术语理解上的难度,我们主要以讲故事的方法,图文并茂,对中医人物、中医典籍、中医事件进行解读,可读性强。
2. 以时间为轴,通观古今、采英撷华。中医药文化博大精深,中医典籍卷帙浩繁,我们从中医药发展的源头开始,选择极具代表性的节点性事件和重要人物,结合其在中医历史长河中的贡献与地位一并介绍,有助于了解中医药发展全貌。
3. 以实用为要,深入浅出、读则获益。书中选取的案例背后均蕴藏着一定的中医思维和科学方法。如“中医理论基石——《 黄帝内经》”中提到的“天人相应”和“治未病”思想,强调人与自然的和谐统一以及早期防治的重要性,时至今日仍然具有很强的现实指导意义。
2023 年6 月
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) containsthousands of years’ health cultivation philosophyand practical experience of the Chinese nation,which are great creations of the Chinese nation andhas had positive effects on the progress of worldcivilization. With the rapid development of thesociety and economy, the international exchange isdeepening day by day both in breadth and depth.As a result, TCM is going global with an acceleratedpace and is being accepted by more and morecountries and regions.
In order to make more people learn andunderstand TCM, popularize the TCM philosophyof health cultivation, carry forward TCM culture,promote the exchange and mutual learning betweenChinese and Western medicine, and better safeguardpeople’s health, we select representative figuresand events of different periods in the developmenthistory of TCM, and compiled the book HistoricalNarratives of TCM.
The features of this book are as follows:
1. The content is presented in the form of stories,which is easy to understand and interesting to read.Considering readers’ different cultural backgroundsand beginners’ diffi culty in understanding technicalterms, we mainly interpret TCM doctors, classicsand events by telling stories with pictures and texts,which is highly readable and memorable.
2. The timeline is taken as the axis to reviewthroughout the ancient and modern times, andselect the fine culture. Chinese medical cultureis extensive and profound with numerous ancientbooks and records. Starting from the source of TCMdevelopment, we select the most representativenode events and important figures, introducingthem together with their contributions and roles inthe long history of TCM, which is conducive to theoverall grasp of the development history of TCM.
3. Practicality is taken as the key, profoundtheories are explained in simple language andbenefi ts are obtained once reading is started. Thereare certain TCM ways of thinking and scientificmethods behind the selected cases in the book. Forexample, the thoughts of “correspondence betweenman and universe” and “preventive treatment ofdisease” mentioned in “The Cornerstone of TCMTheory——Huangdis Cannon of Inner Classic”emphasize the harmonious unity between manand nature and the importance of early preventionand treatment, which still have a strong practicalguiding signifi cance even today.
Health is shared by all people in the world.This book aims to popularize knowledge andculture of TCM. It can be used as a popularreading material for foreign friends to approach,know and understand TCM, and can also be as anenlightening reading material for beginners to havean overall knowledge of TCM and understand thethinking of TCM.
The compilation of this book has receivedstrong support from the National Administrationof Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is highlyappreciated here. We sincerely hope that throughour efforts, we can help you to learn, use and enjoyTCM. Readers are expected to criticize and correctanything wrong in the book.
Editorial Board of
Historical Narratives of TCM
June 2023



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