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書城自編碼: 4014883
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→建筑建筑史与建筑文化
作者: 孙诗萌
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302651918
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2024-07-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 806



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第1章 绪论:为何研究清代台湾城市规划 001
1.1 中国地方城市规划体系中的台湾价值 002
1.2 两岸相关研究综述与比较 004
1.2.1 台湾学界相关研究 004
1. 研究历程 004
2. 主要议题 006
3. 研究特点 012
1.2.2 大陆学界相关研究 013
1. 研究历程 013
2. 建筑与城市规划领域的相关研究 014
3. 历史学领域的相关研究 014
4. 研究特点 015
1.2.3 比较与思考 016
1.3 研究内容与本书结构 017
1.3.1 研究内容 017
1.3.2 研究素材 017
1.3.3 本书结构 019
第2章 建置历程:行政区划与治城建置的三个阶段 021
2.1 前期(1683—1722 年):偏居中南,府城为先 022
2.1.1 初设府县,以固边圉 023
2.1.2 重心南偏,辖域仅半 025
2.1.3 府城独大,二县空虚 029
2.1.4 半线以北,屡议添兵 031
2.2 中期(1723—1874 年):滨海开拓,驭控山前 032
2.2.1 彰淡划界,北路充实 033
2.2.2 增置巡检,前沿开拓 034
2.2.3 噶玛兰设厅,后山初辟 036
2.2.4 人居发展,防汛延伸 038
2.3 后期(1875—1895 年):开山抚番,覆盖全台 048
2.3.1 恒春设县,变革开启 048
2.3.2 台北设府,内山置厅 052
2.3.3 台湾建省,居中而治 053
2.3.4 铺线修路,全台联贯 057
2.4 总体特征与影响因素 061
2.4.1 内乱外侵刺激 061
2.4.2 山川形势制约 063
2.4.3 族群治理需求 066
2.4.4 资源开发驱动 068
第3章 山水格局:从“山前模式”到“盆地模式”(上) 071
3.1 台湾地形与城市选址模式 072
3.2 “山前模式”典型城市选址与山水格局建构 074
3.2.1 诸罗县城:诸山罗列,踞中高坐 074
1. 归治前的山水形势认知 074
2. 县城规划与山水格局建构 075
3. 山水格局的实际地形核查 080
3.2.2 彰化县城:由武而文,百年建构 083
1. 设县以前,半线营汛 083
2. 县城规划的三个阶段 084
3. 山—城关系的三个阶段 089
4. 山水格局的实际地形核查 094
3.2.3 淡水厅城:官民共塑,格局渐成 097
1. 依托汉庄,创建竹城 097
2. 官民共画,增筑砖城 099
3. 地师参与,格局重塑 100
4. 山水格局的实际地形核查 105
3.2.4 噶玛兰厅城:地处适中,坐坎向离 107
1. 从“蛤仔难”到“噶玛兰” 107
2. 厅城选址与规划 108
3. 厅城山水格局及朝向之辩 110
4. 山水格局的实际地形核查 113
3.2.5 凤山县城:新旧反复,山水调适 115
1. 凤山旧城的选址规划建设 116
2. 创筑城垣与山水格局建构 117
3. 迁建新城与山水格局重塑 122
4. 城址变动之本质 125
3.2.6 “山前模式”城市选址规划的共性特征 127
第4章 山水格局:从“山前模式”到“盆地模式”(下) 131
4.1 “盆地模式”典型城市选址与山水格局建构 132
4.1.1 恒春县城:山势回环,全台收局 132
1. 恒春设县与县城选址 132
2. 地形勘察与山水格局建构 135
3. 因应山水的县城规划建设 138
4.1.2 埔里社厅城:四山环绕,自成一局 140
1. 设厅前的埔里盆地 141
2. 埔里设厅,相地选址 142
3. 因应山水的厅城规划建设 145
4.1.3 台北府城:众山环抱,蔚成大观 149
1. 发现盆地:从边缘到中心 149
2. 台北设府,相地选址 151
3. 规划调整,顺应山水 154
4.1.4 台中省城:山环水复,气象宏敞 157
1. 省城选址,盆地突现 157
2. 建省以前的人居发展和山水认知 160
3. 因应山水,择向筑城 162
4.1.5 “盆地模式”城市选址规划的共性特征 163
4.2 城市选址与山水格局建构略论 165
4.2.1 城市山水格局的内容与层次:“可见层次”与“可感层次” 165
1. 城市山水格局的“可见层次” 165
2. 城市山水格局的“可感层次” 166
4.2.2 城市山水格局的建构程序:“实质性建构”与“文本性建构” 168
1. “实质性建构”早于“文本性建构” 168
2. “实质性建构”同步于“文本性建构” 170
3. “实质性建构”而无“文本性建构” 171
4.2.3 城市山水格局的建构者及其理论:专业理论与人居常识 172
4.2.4 城市山水格局建构的目的与意义:实用与象征 173
第5章 要素时序:衙垣学庙,分别缓急 175
5.1 功能空间要素与研究方法 176
5.2 治署的规划建设情况及时序特点 177
5.2.1 设治后 1~5 年建署者为主流 179
5.2.2 设治同时建署者皆出于战略考量 180
5.2.3 治台初设府县建署迟滞 180
5.3 城垣的规划建设情况及时序特点 182
5.3.1 设治后 10 年以上筑城者近半 184
5.3.2 中、后期筑城较前期为迅 186
5.3.3 设治同时筑城者出于特殊安防需求 186
5.4 学宫的规划建设情况及时序特点 188
5.4.1 设治同年即建学者皆为初设府县 189
5.4.2 设治后 1~5 年建学者居多 191
5.4.3 设治后 10 年以上建学者各有原因 192
5.5 三坛一庙的规划建设情况及时序特点 194
5.5.1 城隍庙建置率高,时序与建署/筑城相关 194
5.5.2 社稷、山川二坛多同时建设 199
5.5.3 邑厉坛建设时间较灵活 200
5.6 四类要素之间的规划建设时序规律 201
5.6.1 治署优先:“听断无所,无以肃观瞻” 201
5.6.2 城垣当急:“卫国守民,存国体而壮观瞻” 203
5.6.3 学宫唯要:“化民成俗,莫先于学” 205
5.6.4 三坛一庙 :“阳纲既立,阴律宜修” 206
5.7 功能空间要素配置与规划建设时序的阶段性特征 207
5.7.1 前、中期建置城市要素齐备率高,用时长,时序反常 207
5.7.2 后期建置城市要素齐备率低,用时短,时序常规 209
第6章 两座省城:古典规划传统之绝响 213
6.1 两座省城的规划建设历程 214
6.1.1 台北府城的规划建设历程 214
6.1.2 台中省城的规划建设历程 217
6.2 两座省城的选址规划理念与方法 222
6.2.1 择中而治,山水中央 222
6.2.2 城市规模,等级秩序 229
6.2.3 城垣形态,理想图示 230
6.2.4 山川立向,随形就势 234
6.2.5 配置完备,文教为先 236
6.2.6 官民共建,定章起造 238
6.3 两项规划的代表性与特殊性 239
6.3.1 同地域比较:对规划传统的“自觉”遵从 239
6.3.2 同时代比较:带有传统规划体系的“不自觉”烙印 240
6.3.3 中国城市规划传统中的典型案例 241
第7章 地方城市规划的“守制”与“应变” 243
7.1 中国城市规划史中的台湾价值 244
7.1.1 两千年地方城市规划传统的最后真容 244
7.1.2 省域城市体系规划的探索性实践 245
7.1.3 前现代中国最后一座全新选址规划的省城 246
7.1.4 边疆人居开发史上的典型案例 247
7.2 清代台湾实践对地方城市规划传统的“守制”与“应变” 248
7.2.1 因应山水之“守”与“变” 248
7.2.2 要素时序之“守”与“变” 251
7.2.3 省城规划之“守”与“变” 254
7.2.4 人居开发之“守”与“变” 256
参考文献 259
索引 269
后记 273


Chapter 1 Introduction: why study the city planning in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty 001
1.1 Significance of Taiwan in the Chinese city planning system 002
1.2 Review and comparison of relevant research 004
1.2.1 Relevant research in Taiwan 004
1. Research history 004
2. Main topics 006
3. Features and problems 012
1.2.2 Relevant research in Chinese mainland 013
1. Research history 013
2. Research from the architecture and urban planning field 014
3. Research from the history field 014
4. Features and problems 015
1.2.3 Comparison and Reflection 016
1.3 Contents and structure of this book 017
1.3.1 Research contents 017
1.3.2 Research materials 017
1.3.3 Structure of this book 019
Chapter 2 Developing process: three periods of administrative division and city establishment 021
2.1 Early period (1683-1722): initiating the city system with its center in the south 022
2.1.1 Setting up prefecture and counties to consolidate the frontier 023
2.1.2 Occupying half territory with the focus in the south 025
2.1.3 Bustling prefecture city and empty county cities 029
2.1.4 Debating on increasing armed force in the north 031
2.2 Middle period (1723-1874): extending northward along the
coastline 032
2.2.1 Setting up Changhua County and Tamsui County to develop the north 033
2.2.2 Controlling frontiers by establishing Xunjian agencies 034
2.2.3 Setting up Komalan County to reclaim the Houshan area 036
2.2.4 Population, economy, and security defense in this period 038
2.3 Late period (1875-1895): covering the entire island and going
deep into the mountains 048
2.3.1 Setting up a new country in the south to prevent foreign countries from coveting 048
2.3.2 Setting up new prefecture and counties in the northern and
mountainous area 052
2.3.3 Establishing Taiwan Province and siting the provincial city 053
2.3.4 Provincial planning and new constructions 057
2.4 Development characteristics and driving factors 061
2.4.1 Stimulations from internal uprisings and external invasions 061
2.4.2 Constraints of the natural environment and topography 063
2.4.3 Requirements for governing multiple ethnic groups 066
2.4.4 Impetus of exploiting natural resources 068
Chapter 3 Siting modes: from the Piedmont Mode to the Basin Mode (I) 071
3.1 Topography and city site selection modes in Taiwan 072
3.2 Typical cases of city site selection and landscape pattern construction of Piedmont Mode 074
3.2.1 Chulo city: sitting in the central highland, surrounded by mountains 074
1. Initial cognition of the natural environment 074
2. Planning the city and constructing its landscape pattern 075
3. Investigation and interpretation of the historical landscape pattern of Chulo city 080
3.2.2 Changhua city: a hundred-year planning and construction from a
fort to a city 083
1. Banxian camp, the midpoint from Taiwan city to the north 083
2. Three phases of the city planning 084
3. Three phases of interaction between the city and the Bagua mountain 089
4. Investigation and interpretation of the historical landscape pattern of Changhua city ... 094
3.2.3 Tamsui city: planning and construction collaboration between the authority and community 097
1. Initial planning of a bamboo city near an existing village 097
2. Upgrading to a brick city with joint efforts from the authority and community 099
3. Reshaping the city’s landscape pattern under geomancers’ guidance 100
4. Investigation and interpretation of the historical landscape pattern of Tamsui city 105
3.2.4 Komalan city: sitting in the center of the basin and facing the south 107
1. From Ha-zai-nan to Ko-ma-lan 107
2. Siting and planning the city 108
3. Debating on the landscape pattern and city orientation 110
4. Investigation and interpretation of the historical landscape pattern of Komalan city 113
3.2.5 Fengshan city: shifting and creating between two sites 115
1. Siting and planning the old city 116
2. Building the city wall and constructing the landscape pattern 117
3. Relocating the city and creating new landscape pattern 122
4. The underlying causes of city site shifting 125
3.2.6 The common features of city planning in Piedmont Mode cases 127
Chapter 4 Siting modes: from the Piedmont Mode to the Basin Mode (II) 131
4.1 Typical cases of city site selection and landscape pattern construction of Basin Mode 132
4.1.1 Hengchun city: a basin at the southern end of Taiwan island 132
1. Building a new city at the southern end 132
2. Surveying the terrain and constructing the landscape pattern 135
3. Planning the city in response to the topographic feature 138
4.1.2 Pulishe city: a unique open site in central mountain range 140
1. The Puli basin 141
2. Siting a new city for Pulishe County 142
3. Planning the city in response to the topographic feature 145
4.1.3 Taipei city: a grand basin at the northern end 149
1. Discovering the basin: from edge to center 149
2. Siting a new city for Taipei prefecture 151
3. Adjusting the plan to match the spatial order of the topography 154
4.1.4 Taiwan city: in the center of jurisdiction, in the middle of the landscape 157
1. Siting the provincial city in the basin 157
2. Settlements and landscape cognition before setting up the new prefecture 160
3. Planning the city in response to the topographic feature 162
4.1.5 The common features of city planning in Basin Mode cases 163
4.2 Some regularities in city siting and landscape pattern construction 165
4.2.1 The elements and composition of city landscape pattern: visible and perceptible parts 165
1. The visible part of city landscape pattern 165
2. The perceptible part of city landscape pattern 166
4.2.2 The construction procedure of city landscape pattern: substantial and textual construction 168
1. Substantial construction ahead of textual construction 168
2. Substantial construction synchronized with textual construction 170
3. Substantial construction without textual construction 171
4.2.3 The planners and knowledge in city landscape pattern construction: professional theory and common sense 172
4.2.4 The purpose and significance of city landscape pattern construction: practicality and symbolism 173
Chapter 5 Elements and sequence: allocation, priority, and preference 175
5.1 Spatial elements and study methodology 176
5.2 Planning and construction sequence of the government offices 177
5.2.1 Within 1 to 5 years after setting up the prefectures and counties 179
5.2.2 Immediately after setting up the prefectures and counties 180
5.2.3 Long delay after setting up the prefectures and counties 180
5.3 Planning and construction sequence of the city walls 182
5.3.1 More than 10 years after setting up the prefectures and counties 184
5.3.2 Within 1 to 5 years after setting up the prefectures and counties 186
5.3.3 Immediately after setting up the prefectures and counties 186
5.4 Planning and construction sequence of the official schools 188
5.4.1 Immediately after setting up the prefectures and counties 189
5.4.2 Within 1 to 5 years after setting up the prefectures and counties 191
5.4.3 More than 10 years after setting up the prefectures and counties 192
5.5 Planning and construction sequence of the offi altars and temples 194
5.5.1 The City-God Temple 194
5.5.2 The Altar of Land & Grain and the Altar of Mountain & River 199
5.5.3 The Altar of malevolent spirits 200
5.6 Planning and construction sequence among the four types of elements 201
5.6.1 Significance and priority of the government offices 201
5.6.2 Significance and priority of the city walls 203
5.6.3 Significance and priority of the official schools 205
5.6.4 Significance and sequence preference of the official altars and temples 206
5.7 Phased characteristics of planning and construction sequence 207
5.7.1 Phased characteristics of cities established in the early and middle periods 207
5.7.2 Phased characteristics of cities established in the late period 209
Chapter 6 Two provincial cities: the last examples of Chinese classical planning tradition 213
6.1 Planning and construction process of two provincial cities 214
6.1.1 Planning and construction process of Taipei city 214
6.1.2 Planning and construction process of Taichung city 217
6.2 Siting and planning ideas and methods of two provincial cities 222
6.2.1 Searching for the center of both the jurisdiction and topography 222
6.2.2 Sizing the city according to its hierarchy 229
6.2.3 Shaping the city with ideal geometry 230
6.2.4 Aligning the city’s orientation with the topography 234
6.2.5 Allocating functional facilities and spatial elements 236
6.2.6 Guiding private planning and construction through regulations 238
6.3 Representativeness and particularity of the two planning cases 239
6.3.1 Comparison with planning cases in the same region 239
6.3.2 Comparison with planning cases in the same era 240
6.3.3 Typical cases in Chinese classical planning tradition 241
Chapter 7 Regulations and variations in premodern Chinese city planning 243
7.1 Taiwan’s significance in Chinese city planning history 244
7.1.1 The fi group of examples of the two-thousand-year city planning tradition 244
7.1.2 An exploratory practice of city system planning at the provincial level 245
7.1.3 The last provincial city with new siting and planning in premodern China 246
7.1.4 Typical cases in the history of Chinese frontier settlements development 247
7.2 Regulations and variations in city planning practice of Qing Taiwan 248
7.2.1 Regulations and variations in landscape pattern construction 248
7.2.2 Regulations and variations in elements allocation and planning sequence 251
7.2.3 Regulations and variations in provincial city planning 254
7.2.4 Regulations and variations in human settlements development 256
References 259
Index 269
Acknowledgment 273




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