少女杂货铺 Procreate可爱质感插画教程
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唐一平,男,湖南东安人。西安交通大学教授,博士生导师,中国民主同盟盟员。1968年毕业于西安交通大学机械制造系,于1979年回校读研,1982年获西安交通大学固体力学专业工学硕士学位。1983年1月—1995年9月在西安理工大学机械工程系任讲师、副教授。1995年10月调入西安交通大学机械工程学院工作,2002年获评教授职称。曾主持或承担多项国家自然科学基金及其他国家和省部级科研项目,并长期负责全校研究生课程“实用科技英文写作”的授课;先后获国家科学技术进步奖二等奖1项,省部级科技成果奖2项,西安交通大学科研和教学成果奖6项;2008年被宝钢教育基金会授予宝钢优秀教师奖,2011年被民盟中央委员会授予“先进个人”称号。近年来在国内外知名杂志发表论文并被SCI 收录80余篇,主编出版英文版教材5本,并在世界图书出版公司出版了我国第一部高等教育双语工具书《中国高等教育汉英词典》。
CONTENTS Unit 1 Engineering Materials (Ⅰ)1 1.1 Introduction1 1.2 Ferrous Metals and Alloys2 1.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys4 Notes7 Glossary9 Unit 2 Engineering Materials (Ⅱ)10 2.1 Introduction10 2.2 Ceramics10 2.3 Polymers12 2.4 Composite Materials14 2.5 Metamaterials15 Notes16 Glossary17 Unit 3 Casting20 3.1 Introduction20 3.2 Sand Casting20 3.3 Investment Casting21 3.4 Expendable-pattern Casting22 3.5 Centrifugal Casting23 3.6 Inspection of Casting24 Notes24 Glossary25 Unit 4 Forging and Die27 4.1 Introduction27 4.2 Open-die Forging27 4.3 Impression-die and Closed-die Forging28 4.4 Precision Forging29 4.5 Die Manufacturing Methods30 Notes31 Glossary32 Unit 5 Conventional Machining Processes33 5.1 Introduction33 5.2 Turning and Lathe33 5.3 Milling and Milling Machine36 5.4 Drilling and Drill Press39 Notes41 Glossary42 Unit 6 Nontraditional Machining Processes45 6.1 Introduction45 6.2 Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)46 6.3 Chemical Machining (CM)46 6.4 Electrochemical Machining (ECM)48 6.5 Laser Beam Machining (LBM)49 6.6 Ultrasonic Machining (USM)50 Notes51 Glossary53 Unit 7 High Speed Cutting (HSC)57 7.1 Definition57 7.2 Introduction to High Speed Cutting57 7.3 High Speed Cutting Techniques59 7.4 HSC Machines59 Notes60 Glossary61 Unit 8 Tolerances and Fits63 8.1 Introduction63 8.2 Tolerances64 8.3 Fits65 8.4 ISO System of Limits and Fits66 Notes68 Glossary69 Unit 9 Location and Fixtures72 9.1 Introduction72 9.2 Advantages of Jigs and Fixtures72 9.3 Location of Workpiece73 9.4 Clamping of Workpiece75 9.5 Classes of Fixtures76 Notes78 Glossary79 Unit 10 Gear Transmission82 10.1 Introduction82 10.2 Spur Gears82 10.3 Helical Gears85 10.4 Bevel Gears86 10.5 Worm Gearing86 10.6 Gear Geometry87 Notes90 Glossary90 Unit 11 Direct Drive Technology92 11.1 Introduction92 11.2 Direct-drive Linear (DDL) Motion92 11.3 Direct-drive Rotary (DDR) Motors Streamline Machine Design94 11.4 Motorized Spindle96 Notes97 Glossary99 Unit 12 Numerical Control101 12.1 Introduction101 12.2 NC and CNC101 12.3 Construction of CNC Machines102 12.4 DNC (Distributed Numerical Control) System104 Notes107 Glossary108 Unit 13 CNC Machining Centers109 13.1 Introduction109 13.2 The Concept of Machining Centers110 13.3 Types of Machining Centers110 13.4 Components of a Machining Center112 13.5 Characteristics and Capabilities of Machining Centers115 Notes115 Glossary116 Unit 14 Automatic Control119 14.1 Introduction119 14.2 Open-loop Control and Closed-loop Control119 14.3 Applications of Automatic Control120 14.4 Artificial Intelligence in Mechatronics122 Notes124 Glossary126 Unit 15 CAD/CAM129 15.1 Introduction129 15.2 Geometric Modeling129 15.3 CAD/CAM131 15.4 Computer-aided Process Planning134 Notes134 Glossary136 Unit 16 Transducers137 16.1 Introduction137 16.2 Transducer Elements137 16.3 Analog and Digital Transducers137 16.4 Use of Sensors in Programmable Automation139 16.5 Some Terms140 Notes141 Glossary143 Unit 17 Robots145 17.1 Introduction145 17.2 Definition of Robot145 17.3 Components of a Robot System146 17.4 Industrial Robots147 17.5 Medical Robots148 17.6 Underwater Robots149 17.7 Walking Robots149 17.8 Humanoid Robots150 17.9 Intelligent Robots151 Notes153 Glossary155 Unit 18 Additive Manufacturing157 18.1 Introduction157 18.2 AM Processes and Materials158 18.3 Applications of Additive Manufacturing161 18.4 Conclusions163 Notes164 Glossary165 Unit 19 New Energy168 19.1 Introduction168 19.2 Classification of Energy Resources168 19.3 New Energy168 19.4 Solar Energy169 19.5 Nuclear Energy169 19.6 Ocean Energy170 19.7 Wind Energy170 19.8 Biomass Energy (Aka Bioenergy)171 19.9 Geothermal Energy171 19.10 Hydrogen Energy171 19.11 Development Direction of New Energy Vehicles172 Notes174 Glossary175 Unit 20 Development of Modern Manufacturing178 20.1 Introduction178 20.2 Mechanization179 20.3 Programmable Automation179 20.4 Computer-aided Manufacturing180 20.5 Flexibility180 20.6 Remanufacturing181 Notes183 Glossary184 Unit 21 IT and Manufacturing186 21.1 Introduction186 21.2 Computer-integrated Manufacturing186 21.3 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System188 21.4 Computer-aided System (CAx)189 Notes190 Glossary192 Unit 22 Manufacturing and Roles of Engineers193 22.1 Manufacturing193 22.2 Roles of Engineers195 Notes196 Glossary198 附录A 科技论文英文摘要写作要点200 A.1 论文标题200 A.2 摘要写作注意事项200 A.3 典型常用语句实例204 A.4 汉译英范文(参考)205 附录B 麻省理工学院简介207 B.1 原文207 B.2 参考译文211 附录C 机床说明书翻译样本215 附录D 校园常用词汇219 附录E 部分参考译文223 第2单元 工程材料(Ⅱ)223 第3单元 铸造227 第4单元 锻造与模具229 第6单元 特种加工工艺232 第20单元 现代制造技术的发展235 第21单元 信息技术与制造业239 参考文献242