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書城自編碼: 4033661
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 冯清,李海玲,刘敏
國際書號(ISBN): 9787577212432
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
出版日期: 2024-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 356



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本书是一本全英文教材。本书介绍近代化学基本理论、基本知识,涉及无机化学、有机化学、分析化学、物理化学的基本知识和基本原理。主要内容包括物质的状态、化学热力学及动力学、化学平衡、电化学、原子结构、元素周期律、化学键、分子间力和晶体结构、元素与化合物、生物大分子和高分子化合物等。全书内容体现理论与实际结合,在阐述物质性质时,从其应用出发,重基础、强应用,为专业服务。  本书可作为本科院校医学院和生命学院全英文和双语课教材。
冯清,女,1989年毕业于华中师范大学化学系生物无机化学专业,获硕士学位。1989年-2005.8在同济医科大学(现华中科技大学 同济医学院)医学化学系从事教学及科研工作,历任讲师、副教授、教授,2005.8至今并入华中科技大学 化学系,任教授,主要科研方向为药物化学。1998年评为“湖北省优秀教师”,2001年获得“全国师德先进个人”的称号;2003年录入湖北省科技专家。以第一作者发表科研论文20余篇(其中SCI论文4篇),教学论文10余篇,主编专著4本。
Chapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Introduction to Chemistry 11.2 Measurement and SI Units 31.3 Names and Symbols of the Elements 41.4 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds 61.5 Ways of Expressing Concentration 121.6 Vapor Pressure of a Solution 191.7 Boiling Point Elevation 221.8 Freezing Point Depression 241.9 Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure of Solutions 28Summary 35Essay:The Human Genome Project 36Problems 36Chapter 2 Electrolyte Solutions 392.1 Br?nsted-Lowry Acid-Base Theory 392.2 Solving Problems Involving Acid-Base Equilibrium 44Summary 55Essay:Aspirin and Digestion 56Problems 57Chapter 3 Equilibria of Slightly Soluble Ionic Compounds 583.1 The Solubility Product Constant (Ksp) 583.2 Predicting the Formation of a Precipitate:Qsp vs. Ksp 623.3 Applications of Solubility—Tooth Decay and Fluoridation 66Summary 67Essay:Aspirin Solubility - Enhanceing Formulations 67Problems 68Chapter 4 Buffer Solutions 704.1 Composition and Action of Buffer Solutions 704.2 The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation 714.3 Buffer Capacity and Buffer Range 744.4 The Preparation of Buffer Solutions 764.5 Buffer’s Action in Human Blood 78Summary 79Essay:Acidosis and Alkalosis 80Problems 81Chapter 5 Colloids 835.1 Colloid and Its Basic Behaviors 835.2 Sol 875.3 Surface Active Agent and Emulsions 96Summary 98Essay:Colloids in Water Purification 100Problems 101Chapter 6 Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics 1036.1 Some Basic Definitions 1036.2 The Law of Energy Conservation 1076.3 Spontaneous Change:Entropy and Gibbs Free Energy 114Summary 124Essay:The Universal Role of ATP 126Problems 126Chapter 7 Chemical Equilibrium 1287.1 Relating to the Equilibrium Constant 1287.2 The Reaction Quotient, the Equilibrium Constant and the Reaction Direction: Comparing Q and 1307.3 Expressing Equilibria with Pressure Units:Relation Between Kc and Kp 1317.4 Altering Equilibrium Conditions:Le Chatelier’s Principle 132Summary 136Essay:Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA) 136Problems 138Chapter 8 Kinetics:Rates and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions 1408.1 Expression of the Reaction Rate 1408.2 Reaction Mechanisms:Steps in the Overall Reaction 1438.3 Integrated Rate Laws:Concentration Changes Over Time 1478.4 Collision and Transition State Theories 1518.5 The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate 1558.6 Catalysis:Speeding Up a Chemical Reaction 157Summary 159Essay:Protease Inhibitor and AIDS 161Problems 161Chapter 9 Electrochemistry:Chemical Change and Electrical Work 1649.1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 1649.2 Voltaic Cells:Using Spontaneous Reactions to Generate Electric Energy 1689.3 Cell Electromotive Force (emf) and Free Energy 1779.4 Concentration Effects on Cell Potential and the Nernst Equation 181Summary 186Essay:Heartbeats and Electrocardiography 187Problems 189Chapter 10 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table 19110.1 Structure of the Hydrogen Atom 19110.2 Quantum Numbers of an Atomic Orbital 19710.3 Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table 20110.4 Trends in Some Key Periodic Atomic Properties 213Summary 215Essay:Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 216Problems 217Chapter 11 Molecular Structure 21911.1 The Covalent Bond Model 21911.2 Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals 22611.3 Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory and Molecular Shape 23111.4 Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory 23611.5 Intermolecular Forces 237Summary 243Essay:Molecular Shape, Biological Receptors, and the Sense of Smell 244Problems 245Chapter 12 Coordination Complexes 24712.1 Basic Concepts of Complexes 24712.2 Theoretical Basis for the Bonding and Properties of Complexes 25312.3 Equilibrium Involving Complex Ions 25712.4 Chelates and Living Ligands 262Summary 265Essay:The Cooperative Release of Oxygen from Oxyhemoglobin 266Problems 267Chapter 13 Titrimetric Methods of Analysis 26913.1 Overview of Titrimetry 26913.2 Uncertainty in Measurement and Significant Figures 27113.3 Titrations Based on Acid-Base Reactions 27613.4 Titrations Based on Redox Reactions 28713.5 Titrations Based on Complexation Reactions 29113.6 Precipitation Titrations 294Summary 297Essay:Analytical Chemistry and Public Perceptions of Toxicity 297Problems 299Chapter 14 Ultraviolet Visible Spectrophotometry 30114.1 Absorption Spectrum 30114.2 Quantitative Calculations 30314.3 Visible Spectrophotometry 30614.4 Methods to Improve Sensitivity and Accuracy 309Summary 312Essay:Clinical Applications of Ultraviolet-Visible Molecular Absorption 313Problems 314Chapter 15 Introduction to Modern Instrumental Analysis 31615.1 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 31715.2 Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy 32015.3 Chromatography 325Summary 331Essay:Applications of Gas Chromatography 332Problems 332Appendix 334Appendix A Units of Measurement 334Appendix B Some Physical and Chemical Constants 336Appendix C Equilibrium Constants 337Appendix D Standard Thermodynamic Values for Selected Substances at 298.15 K 342Appendix E Standard Reduction Potentials, ? , at 298.15 K 344Appendix F Greece Alphabet 345References 346
In the context of emerging medical education, we have now reprinted this book in order to keep pace with the development of both English and bilingual basic chemistry courses in medical colleges. The sequence of chapters and related contents in this book are consistent to the ninth edition of 《Basic Chemistry》 in Chinese which is published by Peoples Medical Publishing House Co.LTD. We have applied “three basic contents—basic theories, basic knowledge, basic skills” and “five features— thoughtful, scientific, advanced, heuristic, adaptable” to this book. That means precise demonstrations, clear arrangements, visual illuminations and fluent language. The whole book is arranged in a proper and gradual sequence to avoid destroying the coherence or connections of chapters and furthermore unnecessary repetition. In the present edition, the first five chapters introduce the concepts of solutions to the students, including colligative properties of solutions (Chapter 1), electrolyte solutions (Chapter 2), equilibria of slightly soluble ionic compounds (Chapter 3), buffer solutions (Chapter 4), and colloids (Chapter 5). The next four chapters examine the factors that determine the speed and extent of chemical reactions: thermochemistry and thermodynamics (Chapter 6), chemical equilibrium (Chapter 7), kinetics (Chapter 8), and electrochemistry (Chapter 9). The next two chapters deal with atomic structure and the periodic table (Chapter 10) ,and molecular structure (Chapter 11). After a discussion of coordination complexes (Chapter 12), the final three chapters survey titrimetric methods of analysis (Chapter 13), ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry (Chapter 14), and modern instrumental analysis (Chapter 15). The essay, which is at the end of each chapter, presents interesting applications of basic chemistry relevant to the main chapter subject. Including topics of “Healthy China” from science, biological science, medicine, and day-to-day life, these applications enliven and reinforce the material presented in the chapter. We have made every effort to make this book as effective, clear and readable as possible, to show the beauty and logic of basic chemistry, and also to make the subject attractive to the students. To achieve the digitization and three-dimensional development of the textbooks, as well as to build a ubiquitous learning environment, each chapter of this book is equipped with QR code guidance and post-class test. The authors are grateful to the contributors of the first edition of the textbook:Hu Guozhi (Huazhong University of Science and Technology),Liu Shaoqian (Central South University),Ma Ruhai (China Medical University),Qian Pin (Central South University),Wang Chaojie (Wenzhou Medical College),Wang Xingpo (Shandong University),Yang Xiaolan (Chongqing Medical University),Zhang Wenhua (Central China Normal University). It was the extensive work they had done while writing the first edition of the textbook that laid the foundation of this edition. We are also grateful to the editors of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press. Without their advices, encouragement and hard work, this book would never have been completed. Finally, we would like to thank our students for giving us the courage to continue and the fortitude to complete the project. We are sincerely grateful to them all.



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